I started the year off like many others: hung over.
My friend Soren was in NYC for the New Years and we hit up a very necessary, rehabilitating brunch at a Latino diner down the street from me in Bushwick. Nothing really special about the place, but it is a favorite of mine on weekend mornings when I am struggling. Stuff is cheap, but more importantly, classic american greasy diner breakfast.
I had: two scrambled eggs (ended up being not that greasy, and not runny: perfect), cheapo sausage links, home fries, and an extremely generic plain bagel grilled with cream cheese.
Soren had: French toast made from regular sized sliced bread (nothing special looking AT ALL) and bacon.
We both had: Really good, cold water in tall glass mugs, a small cup of coffee (super watery, bodega style coffee: my favorite) in a paper cup.
While I have been away, I have been busy:

My bedroom; my shrine.
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